Saturday, March 3, 2012

cinta jarak jauh??

cinta jarak jau?? hmm..byk org ckp cinta jarak jau ni ssh..ssh mo jmp..sllu gado psl hal byk yg xto cinta jarak jau ni bez..ble rsa rndu2 yg teramat la rndu..klu sllu sm2, jmp ari2..bkn la xda la rsa rnduu yg mcm rnduu u know rnduuu ,rnduu yg mcm rnduuu 2 la(ssh mo xplen) yg bcinta mezti to psl rnduu ni..bla kta sllu dkt ngan org yg kta syg 2 rnduunya len dr bla kta jau dr org yg kta syg n cinta 2..sehari xjmp rnduu, pa lg klu sebln? 2 bln? xjmp..lg la tmbh2 rnduu..klu cinta jarak jau ni ble mgeratkan lg hubungan antara pasangan 2..cthnya bla jau ni kompom la akan tlintas d pikiran ttg prasaan jelez, pa dia wat dsn, ingt ka ngan dia ngan kta..sometimes mula la tpkir yg bkn2..trutama bla psgn kta 2 kuar lpk ka jln2 la mula tpkir btl ka dia kuar ngan kwn ja ni, @pun kuar ngan org yg istimewa..stat la gado2, btengkar psl hal kecik sehingga ble jd hal bsar..tym ni la psgn mgeratkan lg hubungan dr segi negative..hee..cinta jarak jau ni jg sbenarnya mbuatkan kta xbgantung sgt ngan la skrg ni..bla c gf nak p cr bj, ajak bf..nak p class, mta antar ngan bf..nak p mn2 pun nak ajak psgn, np x ajak ja truz p kwen..hihi..xbek la bgantung ngan psgn ni trutama kpd kaum wanita, kta kna la blaja independent, xkan smua pun mo ajak bf kan..t bla uda kwen xkan nak msak pun mo ajak suami kan..ssh klu bdikari la wahai wanita2..bla bcinta jarak jau ni kna ada kpercayaan yg kuat n tinggi stinggi gunung kinabalu br la hubungan 2 kekal..jgn la skit2 xcy psgn..smpi smua activity psgn d had kan..ini xble..2 yg mbuatkan hubungan cinta jarak ni mmg bez mcm2 xperiance yg d alami stiap psgn 2..ala..skrg ni jarak jau pun mcm jarak dkt uda..smua ada..hp ada utk bgayut..ble 3G, ble webcam..mcm2 la..xla mcm dlu..antar srt siap tabur bedak kan dlm srt..zaman moden, teknologi mkin not it?? tulis pun pnt jg..jum tdo..dah lewat..tata..

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

muncul tba2 :)

fuuuuu!! fuuuu!! (tgh tiup habuk2 yg mlekat kan blog ni)
uhuk2!! nmpknya tlalu bhabuk blog ni lm xupdate..hee
besa la bz..diz month br ja abez ot yg stat dr bln posa ari 2..
byk yg tjd slama xupdate blog ni
mls mo ceta pla..hee
hope lps ni blog ni sentiasa update

p/s: lm xupdate smp xto mo tulis pun mo sejam br siap..hihi :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


cinta xmemerlukan sbb..cinta i2 lahir dr ati yg ikhlaz..kdgkala pkara yg tcntk n tbek i2 xble dlihat @ dpgg hnya ble d rsa dlm ati..

Monday, September 26, 2011

sayangi org yg kta sayang

~jka kmu mpunyai seseorg yg dsygi d sisi jgn sekali kmu bpaling kpd org len..usah abaikn dia kerna dia amnh dr allah utk djga, bla kmu lupakn dia ncaya dia akn d ambil oleh allah..kta slalu lupa bla sng dan mlupaknnya bla ssh~

Thursday, June 2, 2011


buzy!!!! buzy smp xingt rpnya ada pun nsb ingt lg puswud n emel..klu x kompom xdpt nak mbebel skrg ni..ehehehe...lm uda xupdate blog ni..berhabuk sgt2!! bkn stakat habuk ja mlekat sarang2 spider pun dah mlekat kan blog la lumrah klu keja blambak..cyg pun bz ngan kejanya n hobbynya

blog ni bkn sngaja mo d bia2 kan tp sbb bz..sory sbb jrg mo update blog ni (prasannya fy ni pdhl xda org kisa pun psl blog ni..ahahaha) blog ni akn active xlm lg..skrg ni mo setel kan smua keja yg blambak n kc ilang strez2 yg ada mlekat d kpala dlu br la ada mood mo update blog ni..ehehehe

ok la xble mo mbebel lm2 ni..kna chow dlu..ada keja lg mnungggu..
c u ol soon!!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

perfect 2

You can be the peanut butter to my jelly
You can be the butterflies I feel in my belly
You can be the captain
And I can be your first mate
You can be the chills that I feel on our first date

You can be the hero
And I can be your side kick
You can be the tear
That I cry if we ever split
You can be the rain from the cloud when it's stormin'
Or u can be the sun when it shines in the mornin'

Don't know if I could ever be
Without you 'cause boy you complete me
And in time I know that we'll both see
That we're all we need

Cause you're the apple to my pie
You're the straw to my berry
You're the smoke to my high
And you're the one I wanna marry

Cause you're the one for me (for me)
And I'm the one for you (for you)
You take the both of us (of us)
And we're the perfect two

We're the perfect two
We're the perfect two
Baby me and you
We're the perfect two

You can be the prince and I can be your princess
You can be the sweet tooth I can be the dentist
You can be the shoes and I can be the laces
You can be the heart that I spill on the pages

You can be the vodka and I can be the chaser
You can be the pencil and I can be the paper

You can be as cold as the winter weather
But I don't care as long as were together

Don't know if I could ever be
Without you 'cause boy you complete me
And in time I know that we'll both see
That we're all we need

Cause you're the apple to my pie
You're the straw to my berry
You're the smoke to my high
And you're the one I wanna marry

Cause your the one for me (for me)
And I'm the one for you (for you)
You take the both of us (of us)
And we're the perfect two

We're the perfect two
We're the perfect two
Baby me and you
We're the perfect two

You know that I'll never doubt ya
And you know that I think about ya
And you know I can't live without ya

I love the way that you smile
And maybe in just a while
I can see me walk down the aisle

Cause you're the apple to my pie
You're the straw to my berry
You're the smoke to my high
And you're the one I wanna marry

Cause your the one for me (for me)
And I'm the one for you (for u)
U take the both of us (of us)
And were the perfect two

Were the perfect two
Were the perfect two
Baby me and you
We're the perfect two(yeah, yeah)

Thursday, January 20, 2011


lm xupdate blog
blog org len mcm2 org da tuliz
smp ada blog org 2
1 ari ja smp 2 3 poz bjela2
tp blog fy n cyg ni
cian, xupdate pun

bkn xmo update blog ni
tp xda ms utk update blog ni
byk mo d ceritakan

ni pun singgah jap ja d blog ni
xdpt mo singgah lm2
xpa, t ada ms fy ngan cyg
update blog ni k
hv 2 go

Monday, January 3, 2011

epy new yer 2 ol

epy new yer 2 ol!!!
hehe..lmbt mo wiz utk smua org
xpa lum tlmbt lg kan utk wiz new yer

opening tahun br2 ni
fy ngan cyg p majliz ptunangan ema n pjal
ptunangan drg ni d wat kat uma ema
byk org tym 2..kwn2 ema n pjal dtg tym 2
mmg meriah sgt2 la
mcm2 jg yg jd tym 2
ada yg pahit n manisnya
wlpn ada yg pentink da bomb la tym 2
tema utk ptunangan ema ni putih merah vs putih pink
mmg lawa la hntran2 yg d gubah
mkanan2 yg d sediakan pun bkn calang2 sdpnya
sdp hingga mjilat jari la katakan
smua mkanan ni d sediakan oleh bucu laki n bucu bini fy
dr awl pg la bucu dah start masak2 ni smp la tgh ari
byk jg pnolong2 bucu ni
mcm2 lg d wat dr pg
dr bentang2 carpet smp la ssn2 kerusi utk org yg dtg ddk

tepat jam 2.30 ptg pihak laki dtg ngan keta yg byk
smp penuh halaman uma bkn takat laman uma ja
jln pun ttp skli jg sbb xmuat park kat laman uma..hee
kuar ja pihak laki dr keta
truz drg bbariz (mcm mo kawad pla)
opkoz la panglima2 (org2 tua) dr pihak laki yg plg dpn kan
diikuti ngan hntran2 yg d angkt oleh mereka2 yg tlah d tugaskan utk angkt oleh pihak laki
smp ja dpn uma..truz msuk letak smua brg2 hntran
lpz letak ja brg2 hntran dr pihak laki
kuar pla brg2 hntran dr pihak pompuan
brg2 hntran yg dihantar oleh pihak laki sbyk 7 bblz 9
slpz 2 acara dmulakan ngan bacaan doa
slpz 2 diikuti ngan acara myarung cincin dr mama pihak laki ke jari ema
tym 2 jg opkoz la byk photographer2 yg amik pic kan
smp silau mata tlampau byk flash kamera..ahaha
(fy mo upload kan pic dlm blog ni
tp lum bkesempatan lg
t da nex poz fy upload k)

syukur alhamdulilah ptunangan ema n pjal bjln lancar ari 2
smoga drg cpt2 la nek ke jinjang plamin n smoga sgala rintangan d tempuhi ngan tabah

Thursday, December 30, 2010

bla bla bla

mcm lm uda x update blog ni to
bz yg amat 2 la smp x update blog ni
lg pun xto mo story pa lg
lum ada story br lg
dun wory
blog ni akn d update as soon as posible

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

13 dec 2010 - fy bday!!

ari ni fy bday
ari ni fy cuti..xmo keja
pg2 lg rs epy ja

fy ari ni jln2 ngan cyg
pg2 jmp cyg..msuk ja cyg p keta, truz nyayi kan fy lgu bday..hihi..(actualy smlm pun cyg uda cal fy nyayi lagu bday)
fy n cyg p bkpz kat karamunsing
then jln2 kat kk plaza
dr kk plaza truz p wisma merdeka(jln kaki jer, jem tym2 mcm ni)
round2 kat sn
lpz 2 truz p suria sbh
kat suria sbh fy ngan cyg mom kepsi
tym beli kepsi 2 cyg ckp mo kuar jap sbb ada org cal(kat dlm suria ni line sot2 skit)
lm jg cyg d luar, risau jg..fy msg cyg tp xdpt pla..
xlm lpz 2 ada cyg ada bw cake
rpnya cyg beli cake utk fy(cyg tipu a)
mom kepsi then mom cake
pas2 round2 suria jap

tgk kat luar ujan lbt
keta pla park kat kk plaza
mo xmo paksa reda ujan
dr suria smp la kk plaza
mmg bsh abez la
tp siuk jg
dpt men ujan
lari2 fy ngan cyg reda ujan (mcm dlm mv pla..hihi)

tym bday fy ni byk jln2 ja
actualy cyg mo belikan fy bj
tp fy yg xmo..sbb xda pla bj yg bkenan d ati
xpa la cyg yg pentink fy spen ari bday fy ngan cyg
2 uda kira bday present 4 fy

makaci yang sbb celebrate bday fy
(tua uda ni mo kn celebrate2)
tq so much cyg
i luv u soooo much
thnx cyg 4 da cuklit too
4 ema n pjal thnx 4 da cuklit too